Introductory Course Data Science

Introductory Course taught by Ignacio Anguita, Lead Quantitative / Data Science at PentaQuark.
Do you have curiosity about learning programming? Have you heard on the news the boom of Machine Learning in all spheres? In this online course you will create a small project focused on developing your skills as a Data Scientist.

641 estudiantes matriculados

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Introductory course taught by Ignacio Anguita, Lead Quantitative / Data Science at PentaQuark

Do you have curiosity about learning programming? Have you heard the boom of Machine Learning in all spheres on the news?

In this online course you will create a small project focused on developing your skills as a Data Scientist. The program is divided into 4 modules where you will find out about the 4 main technology apexs most demanded in the market: programming with Python, Data Analysis and Data Mining, programming DashBoards on graphic interfaces, and developing Machine Learning models.

In the first module you will learn how to program on Python, one of the main current programming languages. You will acquire the capacity to develop your first scripts.

Later on, you will use Python with Pandas (the most common tool to treat data in Python) to analyze a group of data that is probably familiar to you: the Titanic passengers.

In the next module you will create a graphic interface with PowerBI showing the graphics about the type of passengers traveling in the Titanic and who survived.

Last but not least, in the last module you will develop an artificial intelligence model able to predict who had more possibilities to survive in the Titanic, based on gender, age and ticket.

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16 lectures
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Acceso en el móvil y en la televisión
Introductory Course Data Science